
Sip Sak Translation

fast and quality translation

OmegaT Video Tutorials

There are dozens of videos in order to help novice OmegaT users. These video tutorials cover range of translation with OmegaT topics. The following is a list of these video topics:

  • Introduction to OmegaT
  • How to install OmegaT
  • Translating with OmegaT - The Basics
  • How to configure a spellchecker in OmegaT
  • OmegaT's panes in one minute
  • Can you translate faster with Google Translate?
  • How to localize Mozilla with OmegaT
  • OmegaT glossary usage
  • Comparison of MemoQ and OmegaT
  • How To Create a New Project in OmegaT
  • Complete translation workflow in OmegaT

The playlist of OmegaT videos are on the Qabiria YouTube channel:


Additional information can be found on Qabiria's website: http://www.qabiria.com/


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